Quantum Medicine and Zero Point Energy Mirrors Chinese Medicine

Quantum Medicine is the science of healing and mirrors Chinese Medicine in the use of energy to remind or facilitate the body back to a state of balance and harmony. In all natural medicines such as Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda Medicine, Native American, homeopathy and a host of other natural healing alternative medicines use energy. Quantum Medicine is an informational medicine. It is the science of consciousness and information in healing and provides a broad spectrum of multi-disciplines and protocols to address the complexities of chronic illness and pain.

Western Medicine however, does not recognize the phenomenon of information, belief, thought, intention, Qi or energy healing and when such events observe it is called the Placebo Effect. Consider what Placebo Effect means in Western Medicine. When the client or patient believes a substance to have medicinal value, or beliefs in the doctor - the authority that prescribes it, yet receives the same benefit from a sugar pill containing no active ingredient it is call placebo effect. It is unknown why people heal without the actual medicine being received and it is implied that the person is easily influenced and has a weak mind. This is farthest from the truth.

The body is in a constant state of change. Most ailments begin from a change in energy. Energy is affected by thought, emotions, attitude, what we eat and drink, the amount of exercise or lack of it, stress, work, rest habits and excess lifestyles as well as changes in weather and environment. Chinese Medicine uses a wide spectrum of disciplines to address illness and pain. Acupuncture is one of the more well known and uses a needle to manipulate Qi/Chi or energy. The needle is a tool used to manipulate and direct the energy flow in the body along the meridians. The body's own Qi/Chi or vital energy does the work necessary to balance, harmonize, strengthen, tonify or repair itself.

Quantum medicine realizes the connectedness of everything and therefore devices and methods that claim to apply quantum principles must first and foremost be connected themselves with that which they claim to treat. Real connection however is always a two-way process, which means the treatment process is adapted according to the signals that are received back from the recipient. The healing power is accessed from the Field.

Zero Point Energy Field Infusion

Zero Point Energy Field Infusion technology is being used in many products. It is a Light energy used to remind the body of its original source to accelerate the body's own innate ability to re-balance, repair, rejuvenate and regenerate itself. That is what the energy source is in an Amega Global wand - Zero Point Energy Field Infusion. Zero-point energy is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have and is the energy of the ground state. The quantum mechanical system that encompasses this energy is the zero point field.

Quantum Taoist Medicine and Acupuncture

Quantum Chinese (Taoist philosophy or Taoism) Medicine promotes the study Qi, Yin and Yang, and the Cycle of the Four Seasons of life in-depth to facilitate the understanding of human psychology and the appropriate use of herbs, formulas and homeopathic remedies. A description of the "anatomy of meridians" is presented to enable the personalization of the meridians and to understand the genesis of disharmony leading to disease from an energetic point of view. The integration of acupuncture with advanced concepts in Quantum biofeedback (EPFX/SCIO) is included, as well as an understanding of the "marvelous vessels" and their correlation with the Five Organ Systems. The acupuncture meridians and the concepts of the "atomic heart" and the "creation yin-yang," are an interregnal part of the understanding in the multiple relationships between Qi/Chi, the meridians and the viscera.

Peter Fraser (Australia/UK) is an energy medicine researcher and Chief Scientific Officer of Nutri-Energetics Systems and on the move. “Towards a medical revolution”, was his topic as speaker at the Quantum Energy Medicine Conference in Copenhagen and one of the presenters in The Living Matrix – The Movie. Fraser is a researcher in a genre of his own. His work is at the forefront of energetic and information medicine where he has formulated a system that integrates the Chinese meridian system with quantum wave theory.

American Academy of Quantum Medicine (AAQM) promotes the study of the bio-electrical and bio-resonance systems and subsystems in the human body with the purpose of correlating appropriate therapeutic protocols that promote the human body's own self-healing and self regeneration capacities." Its president is Paul Yanick, Jr., Ph.D, N.D, C.N.C., C.Q.M

Finally a quote,
I came across a very interesting blog of a kindred spirit that I want to share:
I’ve fallen in love with the idea that consciousness has something to do with being poised forever between the quantum world of possibilities, where nothing actual happens, and the transformation of that — whether it’s the collapse of the wave function or decoherence, where something actual happens in the world.
I think that there’s something else. I think the creativity in nature is so stunning and so overwhelming that it’s God enough for me, and I think it’s God enough for many of us if we think about it.
- Stuart Kauffman

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

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