Quantum Medicine and the Healing Energy of Qi

I would like to introduce you to a new science and technology that will soon revolutionize self-care, self-healing and pure potentiality in human potential. I am fascinated by the new non-intrusive methods of Quantum Medicine. I am in the process of finishing up my book Alternative Medicine A to Z and just recently discovered a company that creates products using Zero Point Field Infusion. I invite you to take my Quantum tour.

I have always been interested in Quantum Physics, the idea of waves of possibilities and the whole principle of transforming with energy.  Health, wealth and prosperity can be transformed using a transformation principles of beliefs, thought, feelings and words to create energy that manifest into reality accessed from the Field. 

Chinese Medicine is one of the oldest medicines using energy and a different language called Qi/Chi (Chee). Qi/Chi is the language of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for energy and the philosophy and principles are rooted in Taoism. Being a Master of Chinese Medicine I know that everything is made of energy and we are pure energy or Qi/Chi. Qi, however is more than the translation of the word English word energy.

Qi/Chi includes information, vibration, frequency and energy. Qi/Chi can be manipulated with thought as in self healing or distant healing or with a tool, such as a acupuncture needle or an Amega wand.  It is not the needle or the wand that heals, but awakens the body's own healing energy to transform the state of disharmony or dis-ease. Changes in the way we think about health, wellness or any other aspect of their lives causes a paradigm shift.

Quantum Medicine present extraordinary discoveries in Quantum Physics where consciousness, information, thought and intention can transform a state of being to facilitate the body's own healing energy. Techniques, tools and products that actualized our body's own vital energy for cleansing, balancing, repair, rejuvenation, endurance, vitality, regeneration and longevity have been used for centuries as ancient practices.

Quantum Medicine is the science of healing. Chinese Medicine is the art of healing.  Both use energy facilitate the body back to a state of balance and harmony. In all natural medicines such as Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda Medicine, Native American, homeopathy and a host of other natural healing alternative medicines use energy. Quantum Medicine and Chinese Medicine are both informational medicine. They are the science and art of consciousness and information in healing and provide a broad spectrum of multi-disciplines, protocols and tools to address the complexities of chronic illness and pain. 

The body is in a constant state of change. Most ailments begin from a change in energy. Energy is affected by thought, emotions, attitude, what we eat and drink, the amount of exercise or lack of it, stress, work, rest habits and excess lifestyles as well as changes in weather and environment. Chinese Medicine uses a wide spectrum of disciplines to address illness and pain. Acupuncture is one of the more well known and uses a needle to manipulate Qi/Chi or energy. The needle is a tool used to manipulate and direct the energy flow in the body along the meridians. The body's own Qi/Chi or vital energy does the work necessary to balance, harmonize, strengthen, tonify or repair itself.

Quantum medicine realizes the connectedness of everything and therefore devices and methods that claim to apply quantum principles must first and foremost be connected themselves with that which they claim to treat. Real connection however is always a two-way process, which means the treatment process is adapted according to the signals that are received back from the recipient. The healing power is accessed from the Field.

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Thank you to the following for your work and insight:

Quantum Medicine and Zero Point Energy Mirrors Chinese Medicine

Quantum Medicine is the science of healing and mirrors Chinese Medicine in the use of energy to remind or facilitate the body back to a state of balance and harmony. In all natural medicines such as Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda Medicine, Native American, homeopathy and a host of other natural healing alternative medicines use energy. Quantum Medicine is an informational medicine. It is the science of consciousness and information in healing and provides a broad spectrum of multi-disciplines and protocols to address the complexities of chronic illness and pain.

Western Medicine however, does not recognize the phenomenon of information, belief, thought, intention, Qi or energy healing and when such events observe it is called the Placebo Effect. Consider what Placebo Effect means in Western Medicine. When the client or patient believes a substance to have medicinal value, or beliefs in the doctor - the authority that prescribes it, yet receives the same benefit from a sugar pill containing no active ingredient it is call placebo effect. It is unknown why people heal without the actual medicine being received and it is implied that the person is easily influenced and has a weak mind. This is farthest from the truth.

The body is in a constant state of change. Most ailments begin from a change in energy. Energy is affected by thought, emotions, attitude, what we eat and drink, the amount of exercise or lack of it, stress, work, rest habits and excess lifestyles as well as changes in weather and environment. Chinese Medicine uses a wide spectrum of disciplines to address illness and pain. Acupuncture is one of the more well known and uses a needle to manipulate Qi/Chi or energy. The needle is a tool used to manipulate and direct the energy flow in the body along the meridians. The body's own Qi/Chi or vital energy does the work necessary to balance, harmonize, strengthen, tonify or repair itself.

Quantum medicine realizes the connectedness of everything and therefore devices and methods that claim to apply quantum principles must first and foremost be connected themselves with that which they claim to treat. Real connection however is always a two-way process, which means the treatment process is adapted according to the signals that are received back from the recipient. The healing power is accessed from the Field.

Zero Point Energy Field Infusion

Zero Point Energy Field Infusion technology is being used in many products. It is a Light energy used to remind the body of its original source to accelerate the body's own innate ability to re-balance, repair, rejuvenate and regenerate itself. That is what the energy source is in an Amega Global wand - Zero Point Energy Field Infusion. Zero-point energy is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have and is the energy of the ground state. The quantum mechanical system that encompasses this energy is the zero point field.

Quantum Taoist Medicine and Acupuncture

Quantum Chinese (Taoist philosophy or Taoism) Medicine promotes the study Qi, Yin and Yang, and the Cycle of the Four Seasons of life in-depth to facilitate the understanding of human psychology and the appropriate use of herbs, formulas and homeopathic remedies. A description of the "anatomy of meridians" is presented to enable the personalization of the meridians and to understand the genesis of disharmony leading to disease from an energetic point of view. The integration of acupuncture with advanced concepts in Quantum biofeedback (EPFX/SCIO) is included, as well as an understanding of the "marvelous vessels" and their correlation with the Five Organ Systems. The acupuncture meridians and the concepts of the "atomic heart" and the "creation yin-yang," are an interregnal part of the understanding in the multiple relationships between Qi/Chi, the meridians and the viscera.

Peter Fraser (Australia/UK) is an energy medicine researcher and Chief Scientific Officer of Nutri-Energetics Systems and on the move. “Towards a medical revolution”, was his topic as speaker at the Quantum Energy Medicine Conference in Copenhagen and one of the presenters in The Living Matrix – The Movie. Fraser is a researcher in a genre of his own. His work is at the forefront of energetic and information medicine where he has formulated a system that integrates the Chinese meridian system with quantum wave theory.

American Academy of Quantum Medicine (AAQM) promotes the study of the bio-electrical and bio-resonance systems and subsystems in the human body with the purpose of correlating appropriate therapeutic protocols that promote the human body's own self-healing and self regeneration capacities." Its president is Paul Yanick, Jr., Ph.D, N.D, C.N.C., C.Q.M

Finally a quote,
I came across a very interesting blog of a kindred spirit that I want to share:
I’ve fallen in love with the idea that consciousness has something to do with being poised forever between the quantum world of possibilities, where nothing actual happens, and the transformation of that — whether it’s the collapse of the wave function or decoherence, where something actual happens in the world.
I think that there’s something else. I think the creativity in nature is so stunning and so overwhelming that it’s God enough for me, and I think it’s God enough for many of us if we think about it.
- Stuart Kauffman

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Thank you to the following for your work and insight:

Prosperity - Quantum Physics and Consciousness

The substance of the universe is consciousness.
Information is Qi/Chi.
Consciousness is energy and we are all energy.
Consciousness is Qi/Chi.
Consciousness is awareness vibrating at a frequency.
Qi/Chi is more than energy.

Qi/Chi is information, frequency and vibration.

The source of all energy is in the vaccum.
The Vacuum is not empty.
It is filled with energy or Qi/Chi - Zero Point Field Energy.
We can use Zero Point Field Energy.
We can change our reality, our health and our prosperity.

For more insight see DVD What the Bleep?%#*
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni

Quantum Medicine and Healing Energy

Healing the Body With Energy,
Quantum Healing and Medicine

Healing the body with energy has been around for centuries notably it is what we do in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Quantum Medicine synthesizes quantum theory with Eastern Taoist philosophy in order to explain the human life experience. The here mission is to educate, inform and popularize, while doing further research on alternative medicine so people can be aware of there own ability for self-care. The intention is for people to live a better life, physically, mentally, emotionally and en-compose their spiritual life as a whole. Everyone has the power within. Knowledge of the quantum theory that governs the behavior of atoms and molecules is known to a very educated few. It is essential that every educated person understands the philosophy of quantum theory to empower themselves, not feel helpless or a victim, and to realize each of us can control your own health, wellness and our own destiny. Quantum Health Research Institute is on the forefront with programs and research.  http://www.qluni.org/.

Thank you for your contribution:

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Amega Global - Self Care Revolution - New Tools with Zero Point Field Infusion

Ever since Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla brought breakthroughs in physics and free energy technologies 100 years ago, advanced Unified Field based inventions have been created. But not until now have they been released beyond the monopolization of the dark elite.

Now companies like Amega Global are coming out with interdimensional superconducting devices that restore the alignment, harmony, synchrony, and resonance between the Zero Point Field -- Universal Source -- and anything that they come near.

Results include instant disappearance of pain -- even longstanding pain -- and Light Speed restoration of the body's ability to heal itself of anything within a week, a day, an hour, or a minute.

The conference calls describe true recent experiences of bodies wracked with pain, for months or years, suddenly finding the pain level falling to ZERO within 2 or 3 minutes. Eyesight restored. Fatigue, stress, and tiredness suddenly gone and replaced by marathon-like energy. Even a levitation-like effect from four people lifting one person with their fingers from the chair because of the magnetic field set up by their Amega bracelets.
All kinds of things are happening. Never have any of us seen something spread so fast.

Amega has Zero Point Field Amized Fusion Technology "Wands", far infrared radiance and magnetic field resonance bracelets and pendants, Zero Point Field charged water machines and essential oils, Nutrigenetics-empowered water crystals that restore the original DNA purity and perfection, and more on the way.

Here is a way to REALLY HELP people dramatically and quickly!

If you want to help manifest Heaven on Earth and the Golden Age NOW, this is a way to do it.

Imagine walking through the fields of disaster like Haiti or Iraq with the Amega Wands, watching instant healing happen! Listen to:



« Thursday Evening Bizop Call 02/25/10

I appreciate you having one of your staff listen to a call as its important you know about this technology.

If you prefer to WATCH a SHORT VIDEO, see these:
1. Strength Demo of Pendant with cell phone:

2. Far Infrared, what does it do? Found in Amega Bio Energy pendant

Below, please see the exciting Demonstration[s] of the Amega wanding self health

Below are the pictures of the Amega Zero Point energy wand and a cheap knock-off available for sale on the internet for a fraction of the cost. As you can see in the comparison pictures, the amega wand is longer, (amega wand: 5 11/16 inches; the knock off wand: 5 9/16 inches); the milling at the top of the wand is larger and longer, the amega wand has a larger diameter at the tip of the wand (6/16 versus 5/15 inches); the Amega wand is branded at the top of the pen with the Amega logo, and has the word "Amega" etched on the pocket clip (the knock off wand does not have these logos or branding); the knock off wand weighs less, 0.3 ounces less (see pictures) and is hollow. Accept no substitutes.

Amega statement:

"Beware of Imitators. When you are the leader in an industry, many show up to copy you and your product. It's been happening to Amega for the last few years. Why? Because our energetic wellness products are in high demand all over the world. With the amazing success of Amega in the Pacific Rim and Asia, many imitators have followed us, attempting to capitalize on our success.

Now, Amega is launching into North America, and with our success here, our imitators are following us. They prey upon people who don't understand that they are purchasing a product that looks like an Amega product, but is either not energized, or has some type of inferior energization. Remember, it's easy to create a product that looks exactly like ours, but no one has AMized Fusion Technology (AFT).

Amega products have two very special distinctions. Firstly is the AFT. AMized Fusion Technology is the most advanced energization process that our research has found. Secondly, the crystals, minerals, and other materials that are used to create our products are specially grouped and formulated in a way that makes them enhance the AFT even more. It's a synergistic combination.

The imitators have gone so far as to offer their fakes, using web copy that is plagarized word for word from the Amega Website and some of imitators even purport to be Amega. They don't even bother to remove our company name!

Don't be fooled. Now that Amega has reached the shores of the largest market on the planet, you can bet that the copycats will be right behind us. But rest assured: We are involved in a profoundly exciting and life-changing opportunity; a life-changing product; a company that cares about you and wants the best for your success."

One of our associates will call or e-mail you to see if you have any questions.

The Key to Your Wellness Lies in the Energy within and around you. Join the Self Care Revolution! http://eamega.com/luckywand
THIS IS the most successful and most beneficial venture we have ever encountered, and we invite you to join us in this global Self Care REVOLUTION to help people ... really help people in a big way... Quantum Physics reveals that everything in the Universe consists of energy. The energy fields of humans, plants, animals, the earth and the Universe provide... (read more)
To help people learn to heal their own bodies with a revolutionary Quantum Physics Zero Point Energy Healing technology
What is Zero Point Energy? According to Wikipedia... (selected text) In physics, the zero-point energy is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have and is the energy of the ground state. The quantum mechanical system that encapsulates this energy is the zero-point field. The concept was first proposed by Albert Einstein and Otto Stern in 1913. The term "zero-point energy" is a calque of the German Nullpunktenergie. All quantum mechanical systems have a zero-point energy. The term arises commonly in reference to the ground state of the quantum harmonic oscillator and its null oscillations. Zero-point energy is sometimes used as a synonym for the vacuum energy, an amount of energy associated with the vacuum of empty space. When the term is used in this way, sometimes it is referred to as the quantum vacuum zero point energy. In cosmology, the vacuum energy is one possible explanation for the cosmological constant. The variation in zero-point energy as the boundaries of a region of vacuum move leads to the Casimir effect, which is observable in nanoscale devices.
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Amega Global - Self Care Revolution - Health and Wellness

Join the Self-Care evolution and revolution!

Health and Wellness starts wih Qi/Chi. - Saquina Akanni

It is all about energy or Qi/Chi. - Saquina Akanni 

There is a Fountain of Youth and it can be found in the Qi/Chi/energy circulating in  whole foods, high quality supplements and 5 Tibetan Energy Movements. - Saquina Akanni

XangoTM brand
Mangosteen puree a whole food that cleanses toxic waste from the Liver/Gallbladder system.
Designed to support natural vigor, a scientific term that describes a balanced state of physical, mental and emotional well-being. Extend your energy, fuel your focus, and brighten your well-being naturally. Once you try Eleviv, you may be tempted to term it the 'feel great' supplement.

Amega Wand
The wand does not do the healing. The wand is a reminder tool to awaken the body to the body's own divine healing energy. It's always the body that does the healing.

The Amega Zero Point Field wand, bracelets, pendants, DNA crystals, and other products are ENERGIZED from the Unified Field with a radiation that is tangible and produces quick beneficial results all the time, every time, for everyone.

This is an open letter to all those currently working with high-end quantum energy related health products. And believe me, what I am about to share with you is going to blow your mind!

As you know, we are always on the lookout for anything related to improved health. And especially, we are always on the look out for advanced quantum energy healing technologies. When I was made aware of this product I felt compelled to spread the word.

It is either destined to emerge into mankind at this time from Source or it is "alien technology transfer" (HA HA) being funneled out through corporate America, but either way, you need to know about it, because it is a mechanism to create millions of healers overnight - not to mention a self care revolution!

We all know people struggling with chronic pain, old injuries, fibromyalgia, arthritis, sleep disorders and a dictionary of other maladies. And . . . like me - if you could make a miraculous difference in seconds - you would!

Get an Amega Wand Here

This is a network program, so you can buy either retail or sign up as a distributor and get it at distributor price.
Retail: $304.00
Distributor Price: $273.60
www.eamega.com/luckywand and click on "Enroll" at the top. Then follow the steps ...
If you have any questions, call us at 800-434-8388

The Prosperity Doctor

Amega Global - Self Care Revolution

I joined the Self Care evolution and Revolution.

I love the Amega Global wand. It works!

The Amega Global wand is amazing. It is like using an acupuncture needle without the needle. We manipulate energy with the needle and there are different techniques to get the results one wants. With the wand one does not need a license or a special technique. A child could do it and one could "wand" ones self.

I have been "wanding" friends and family since the Pre-launch. I have "wanded" 16 people and all have had some relief. My first was a young man at the Pre-launch. His friend asked me to "wand" him as he had injured his left knee playing basketball. He told me the pain was at a level 8 and he really did not want to stay. I "wanded" him for about 3 minutes and he said the pain was down to about a level 5. I asked if he wanted to get rid of it and he said, "Yes." I "wanded" him for about another 2-3 minutes and asked him to stand up. He did and said the pain was gone that he just had an awareness of it. He thanked me and walked away.

Amega Global is today one of the world’s recognized wellness companies producing Zero Point Field infusion product.There are already some fakes out there. They are cheap and have low frequencies. They do not work so be careful.

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Amega Global and Zero Point Energy - Evolution is now.

My friend Claude sent me this would like to share it with you.

Amega Global and Zero Point Energy - Amenah and AmWater

My sister Amenah sent me the email below today June 6, 2010.

It is my pleasure to share her enthusiasm with you. Amenha is so excited about the Amega Wand Zero Point energy wand. Amenah joined me in the Self Care Revolution along time ago. We have two MLM businesses that we partner in. She joined me after I shared my story of what I experienced at Sam Adams presentation and Mark Victor Hansen's Wealthy Author's Breakfast.

I went to the Pre-launch and she came on Saturday just to get the AmWater unit energized with AMized Zero point Fusion Technology. She had put aside $4,000 to get the Kagan unit, but at the Pre-launch distributors could purchase it for $1999.Amenah was still in a great deal of pain and could barely walk. My nephew picked her up and drove her to the event. Amenah has Lupus diagnosed in 1980 and still here in the game of life after the doctors told her she only had about 7 years to live with a low immune system. She told them that was not true and lived life on her own terms. Amenah is a real trooper and always on the look out for new health products and new technology. She had been in a convalescent home with three wounds on her foot that would not heal. She managed with the Xango and we added Salu Resveratrol Blend to her diet in March. The Amega Global Wand accelerated the process along with the DNA “Superfood” supplement. She would be glad to tell you her personal story. See below:

”OK---who wants to be free of pain?
Most of you know of my passion for health and wellness. My ongoing search for optimal health led me to this totally different approach to health and pain relief. I'll spare you the personal testimony, for now--but I am literally blown away!

This is different-in the field of quantum physics. Just go to the link--asap---and get back with me if you are interested, or if you want to hear my testimony, or the testimony of an enormously large group of "happy campers" who are no longer in pain."
website: httl://www.eamega.com/4success

The Prosperity Doctor

Amega Wand Zero Point Qi - Discovery

It is all about Qi/Chi

Amaga Wand and Zero Point Energy Discovery!

The Amega was recently introduced in America January 15, 2010 by Sam Adams. I took a trip to Laguna Beach to check him out. He tells his story at the presentations, gives a demonstration with guest in the audience. He did a muscle, balance and flexibility test. I was one of the first participants.  It was amazing after simply holding the wand in my left hand he demonstrated the increase in my strength, balance and flexibility by 50 to 60 %. Then he demonstrated the wand by "Wanding" volunteer guest. They volunteer had to have a high level of pain from a level of 1-10 ten being high. Three different guest experience remarkable improvement and reduced pain levels down to one and two

Search Amega Wand on YouTube and see some great stories and testimonies. 

I am adding the Amega Wand to my Fountain of Youth System. It will make my system complete. I can even give a "Facelift" with the wands!

I joined the Self Care evolution and Revolution: http://eamega.com/luckywand

Note that Asians have been enjoying this technology for about 3 years. Sam Adams went to Singapore and took a tour of the facility called Nura. Research and development has taken place over the last 25 years and the study of Quantum Physics and natural life force energy has  lead to the development of zero point field products to the world.  Amega Global is today one of the world’s recognized wellness companies. Be careful. There are already some fakes out there already. They are cheap and have low frequencies. They do not work!

Thank you Mark Victor Hansen, Ian Young, Chritina Del Gallo and Sam Adams for introducing me to the Amega Wand. Love you forever! Let's Wand the World
