Quantum Medicine and Healing Energy

Healing the Body With Energy,
Quantum Healing and Medicine

Healing the body with energy has been around for centuries notably it is what we do in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Quantum Medicine synthesizes quantum theory with Eastern Taoist philosophy in order to explain the human life experience. The here mission is to educate, inform and popularize, while doing further research on alternative medicine so people can be aware of there own ability for self-care. The intention is for people to live a better life, physically, mentally, emotionally and en-compose their spiritual life as a whole. Everyone has the power within. Knowledge of the quantum theory that governs the behavior of atoms and molecules is known to a very educated few. It is essential that every educated person understands the philosophy of quantum theory to empower themselves, not feel helpless or a victim, and to realize each of us can control your own health, wellness and our own destiny. Quantum Health Research Institute is on the forefront with programs and research.  http://www.qluni.org/.

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To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor