It is my pleasure to share her enthusiasm with you. Amenha is so excited about the Amega Wand Zero Point energy wand. Amenah joined me in the Self Care Revolution along time ago. We have two MLM businesses that we partner in. She joined me after I shared my story of what I experienced at Sam Adams presentation and Mark Victor Hansen's Wealthy Author's Breakfast.
I went to the Pre-launch and she came on Saturday just to get the AmWater unit energized with AMized Zero point Fusion Technology. She had put aside $4,000 to get the Kagan unit, but at the Pre-launch distributors could purchase it for $1999.Amenah was still in a great deal of pain and could barely walk. My nephew picked her up and drove her to the event. Amenah has Lupus diagnosed in 1980 and still here in the game of life after the doctors told her she only had about 7 years to live with a low immune system. She told them that was not true and lived life on her own terms. Amenah is a real trooper and always on the look out for new health products and new technology. She had been in a convalescent home with three wounds on her foot that would not heal. She managed with the Xango and we added Salu Resveratrol Blend to her diet in March. The Amega Global Wand accelerated the process along with the DNA “Superfood” supplement. She would be glad to tell you her personal story. See below:
”OK---who wants to be free of pain?
Most of you know of my passion for health and wellness. My ongoing search for optimal health led me to this totally different approach to health and pain relief. I'll spare you the personal testimony, for now--but I am literally blown away!
This is different-in the field of quantum physics. Just go to the link--asap---and get back with me if you are interested, or if you want to hear my testimony, or the testimony of an enormously large group of "happy campers" who are no longer in pain."
website: httl://
SaquinaThe Prosperity Doctor